President of the Negotiation Commission Meets with U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs

Dr. Jamous: Emphasis on Supporting the Political Solution at the General Assembly

Dr. Jamous: Emphasis on Supporting the Political Solution at the General Assembly
A delegation from the Negotiation Commission, headed by the Commission’s president, Dr. Badr Jamous, during a meeting with an American delegation led by the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, Ms. Barbara Leaf.

September 17, 2024

The President of the Syrian Negotiation Commission, Dr. Badr Jamous, held a consultative meeting yesterday in Ankara with a high-level delegation from the U.S. Department of State, led by Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, Ms. Barbara Leaf. The discussions focused on the political solution and the necessity of establishing mandatory mechanisms for implementing international resolutions related to the Syrian issue.

The American side was also represented by Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Levant Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, Ms. Natasha Franceski, and the Director of the Regional Syria Platform at the U.S. Department of State, Mr. Nicholas Granger. The meeting was attended by the President of the Syrian Opposition Coalition, Hadi al-Bahra, the Prime Minister of the Syrian Interim Government, Abdul Rahman Mustafa, Secretary of the Commission, Safwan Akash, and Commission members Ibrahim Bro and Hanadi Abu Arab.

During the meeting, Dr. Jamous emphasized the importance of support from all active countries for the political solution during the United Nations General Assembly meetings, and the need for collective pressure to create binding mechanisms to advance this issue through the implementation of international resolutions, particularly the Geneva Communiqué and Resolution 2254, which have been agreed upon by all parties, including major powers.

He stressed the necessity of advancing the political process and the importance of major countries taking responsibility in this matter to halt the ongoing Syrian crisis that has persisted for over 13 years, and to achieve the fundamental political change that the Syrian people are awaiting and deserve, for which they have sacrificed so much.

Regarding humanitarian aspects, he underscored the need to continue providing the highest levels of assistance to Syrians, taking into account the health, educational, and relief needs of millions of Syrians who have been displaced by the regime and forced to seek refuge in various parts of the world. He pointed out that the current available resources only cover a small percentage of the basic needs of the Syrian people.

During the meeting, Dr. Jamous welcomed the new U.S. Special Envoy for Syria, Ms. Natasha Franceski, affirming the Commission’s readiness to cooperate and consult on matters that could serve the Syrian cause and the political solution. He also mentioned the ongoing positive meetings with the Director of the Regional Syria Platform at the U.S. Department of State, Mr. Nicholas Granger.

For her part, Barbara Leaf reaffirmed the United States’ support for the political process and the necessity of reaching a political solution in Syria as soon as possible, to stop the ongoing suffering of the Syrian people and to achieve sustainable peace through the implementation of Resolution 2254.

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